
How To Start Free Blogging In India

This complete guide to starting a blog will help you start a blog… Start a Blogging Business, not just a personal blog that goes nowhere.

When I wanted to start a Blog I researched online and never did find a comprehensive resource on everything related to blogging.

While there is a LOT of information online… there isn't one straight answer and set method.

Every other blogger just guides you through hosting and domain selection and installing WordPress.

There is more to starting a blog and I encourage you to start a Blogging Business ( not just a Blog). Treating your Blog as a business will keep you focused and on track.

You will start taking the entire blogging thing seriously and eventually will reap many rewards … freedom to do what you want, when you want and spend on things which truly matter.

How to Start a Blogging Business

Invest time, effort and money into learning the right way to start a blog. I have blogged many times, started and shut down numerous blogs.

I have invested in a lot of courses and I had spent close to $4000 on courses, software, keyword research tools …

It was not that I wasn't earning from those blogs. I was earning a decent income. It paid my bills and more.

But then, one day it dried up… Why?

Some blogs I had to let go because I was unwell and I could not manage.

Others because they were on free platforms like Blogger and WordPress which just overnight took down the site(s) with no notice at all.

I had a few networks of sites on Rebelmouse which was earning me $200 to $300 passive income for some random work I did in 15 minutes.

Then Google shutdown Rebel mouse, eventually Google shutdown Google Plus… guess what I had a network on that too….:)

Why am I sharing all this?

I want you to know that making money from a blog isn't difficult at all. It is like the mom and pop shops. You open it and just wait.. and wait and eventually you make money.

Making consistent money which pays your bills and more… that requires planning, some investment, and a different mindset.

You need to think, talk and act like a boss…

You need to stop running after every new craze and stick to the BLOG and invest all your efforts in one place.

Let me share with you a secret… I stopped using any tools for Blogging. I even have a new way of keyword research which means I do not use keyword tools either.

The wisest thing I have ever done would be to invest in a course (which I struggled to buy). This course has literally been a game-changer. I went from zero to hero in months.

I have managed to build up a reputation… I am a brand in myself and also being able to position myself as an authority in my niche.

The course I purchased helped me rethink what a Blog truly was, and here are a few things which I learned from it.

  • Keyword Research – no more fancy tools. It has a new system which is called Search Analysis. I now am tackling so-called competitive keywords ( by gurus and tools) and ranking because the competition provided by the software is not true at all.
  • My site visit(s) has increased from 0 to 100 per day, some days I get 300 visits
  • I have learned what Google wants to see on a website to establish Expertise, Trust and Authority. Small tweaks have made a huge difference and I am ranking easily.
  • Not only did my Blog traffic increase, my YouTube channel just exploded ( and I haven't posted a video on that from 4 months). I think that is because I linked a few videos on this website.
  • I wrote 21 articles to achieve all this and 11 of these were written in July ( so they are still new to contribute to this success).

In case you are interested check this course review or check my book to learn more.

Personal Blog

I needed to add this section here. Most bloggers start a blog because they want to share a story. Usually, it starts off as a personal blog.

In my case, it was because I wanted to share things I was learning and because I was bored.

I have seen moms start blogs about their kids, about recipes, about travel…

They start blogging, and then they get bored… no one is reading their blog… so they abandon all that they have done…

The secret to a top blogger and the one who quits is … consistency and focus and just sticking on…

Every blogger has started from zero. Every blogger had months and years of no one reading their blog.

Yes, there are exceptions… some have made money second month into blogging. But this is rare. Also, they forget to mention that they had been trying and failing for year(s) till somehow their new blog just clicked and magic happened.

Even if your blog is a personal blog, it does not mean you cannot make money. Treat it as a business, be patient with yourself and give it at least 8 months to see any results.

The key is to have a plan in mind.

Blogging for Beginners

I have a series of posts for beginner bloggers that can help you get started. I even help you find keywords and get brands.

I also have a detailed one page post if you have the stamina to read it in one go – Start a Blog Which Makes Money 💰

My keyword strategy has changed now since writing that post as I am using this product to help me.

Blogging for Beginners my complete guide

If you would prefer to have all this information as an eBook you can grab a copy here

How to Start a Blog in India

There are 6 Easy steps to Start a Blog in India and make money.

  • Blogging Basics – Understand what a Blog is.
  • Blogging Equipment – Understand what is needed to start a blog. Not what you think
  • Blog Topics – Let us decide what to write about. Don't skip this.
  • Write a Blog – Let's then start writing a blog
  • Monetize – How to make money from your blog, 7 easy ways
  • Promote – How to promote a Blog? P.S. I don't promote much.

I have broken this blog post into sections as it is super looong.

#1 – Blogging Basics

I have covered what a blog is, what a blogger does and the one skill important for a blogger. It is advisable to take a quick look at this article as there might be helpful bits in there for you. – Blogging Basics.

#2 – Blogging Equipment

Equipment is the place where all newbies seem to be stuck on. They hesitate to move ahead wondering if they have all that is needed to get started.

Surprise! I have written a short guide for you, to help you. – Blogging Equipment

Whether you are a food blogger, beauty blogger or mom blogger… I have you covered in that mini-guide.

#3 – Blog Topics

Finding topics to write about can be very difficult. I address the best ways to do that. I also walk you through the structure of your blog. – Blog Post Ideas

#4 – How to Create a Blog

Now we actually get starting with the technical stuff of purchasing a domain, hosting.

We will install a theme, figure out our blog structure and create categories.

You will also install plugins and install Google Analytics. In my opinion, Google Analytics has to be installed on every blog – How to Create a Blog

#4 – What to Write in a Blog?

I cover all that is required in the post "What to Write in a Blog Post ( Style, Structure) Ultimate Guide". Read it and use it as a guide to move ahead.

#5 – Monetize your Blog

We are now ready to monetize our blog. Here are 7 ways to monetize. Make sure you read through all the ways. It just gives us an idea of what is possible.

Eventually, when you see an opportunity you will be able to seize it or strategize based on what you know you can do.

#6 – Promoting your Blog

Simple effective ways to get the word out. You do not and should not focus on all channels. There is social media, Pinterest, Paid ads… it is all too confusing.

I would advise reading the article and pick one way and stick to it. – Promote your Blog

Here are some Blogging articles which will help you start a Blog.

  1. What does a Blogger do?
    1. What do you write about?
    2. The one skill needed to be a Blogger
  2. Blogging Equipment
  3. What do you need to get started Blogging?
  4. Picking your topic
  5. How does an affiliate website work?
  6. Structure and Plan for your website
  7. How to make a blog or website
    1. Step #1 – Domain
    2. Format of a Domain name
    3. How to pick a domain
    4. How to brainstorm a domain name?
    5. Hosting & Technical Stuff
    6. How to Install WordPress
    7. Initial Blog Setup
    8. How to Reset the blog
    9. Setup Blog Structure
    10. Change the reading, writing settings.
    11. Theme
      • What WordPress theme a site is using?
      • Which WordPress theme to choose?
    12. Add Important Pages
    13. Install Plugins
    14. Setup Google Analytics
      • How does Google Analytics help?
    15. What to write about
    16. Blog Post Styles
    17. How to write a Blog Post
      1. How long should you a blog post be
      2. Effective Blog Post Structure
      3. How to Make a Blog post better
      4. What is a Video blog post
    18. How to Promote Blog Post
      1. Where to promote blog posts after publishing
      2. Social Media Post Sharing Plan
    19. Monetise – How to make money from your Blog
      1. Affiliate Marketing
      2. Adsense
      3. Informational products
      4. Physical products
      5. Memberships
      6. Sponsored Posts
      7. Working with Brands

What Next?

Take a look at some massive guides I have shared on this website. I have all my strategies in these guides. So follow along as you read them.

Some Frequently asked Questions

Qs. How to Create a Blogging Website?

You can create a website on many platforms. Some are free and some are paid. My recommendation is to get started with a paid option.

Qs. How to Create a website free of Cost?

Blogging Platform FREE / Paid Features
Blogger FREE It's easy to learn and totally free
Wix Free and Paid options Drag and drop website builder
500+ Designer templates
500 MB Storage
1 GB Bandwidth
Joomla FREE, can install open source code on your hosting
100+ templates
Yola FREE + Paid – Flexible layouts
– No 3rd party ads
– 1GB storage
– 2 sites and 3 web pages in Free plan
– Customizable templates
– Site Builder
– Flexible layouts
– Drag and drop widgets
Weebly Free / Paid drag and drop components
can quickly create pages and website
free themes
Customisable layout
Tumblr Free / Paid – Easy to get started
– Ranks well in search engines
– Has social media features so can get content visibility quickly
Medium Free – Good for content creation
– Cannot manipulate the theme and customize
– Ranks well in search engines but recently there were rumors that it does not rank as well as before

Qs. Starting a Blog on WordPress

I would recommend starting a blog in WordPress. I am suggesting a paid option. Purchase a domain name and hosting and install wordpress.

This is a good and better option if you really want to earn an income from your blog.

Qs. How much does it cost to start a Blog in India

You can start a blog for free on Blogger or or any of the sites listed above.

If you are serious about blogging you need to purchase a domain and hosting. Here are the costs as of now, these costs can vary.

Company Domain Hosting
Hostgator .com INR 699 per year
.in INR 599 per year
Shared Hosting INR 99 per month 15% Off .IN Domain
Bluehost .com 11.99 per year Includes free domain for 1 year and SSL Check it out

Qs. How to earn money by blogging in India

There are many ways to earn money from blogging. A few of these are

  • Referring products – When you refer products on Amazon and other companies you earn a commission for the sale.
  • Selling your own products – You can sell your own products, T-shirts, eBooks, toys, books
  • Services – You can offer services such as writing, consulting, training
  • Ads – You can earn money by placing advertisements on your website or blog

Qs. Do I need a Business License to Blog?

In India, I haven't yet heard of a license. I do pay taxes though.

I would recommend having a separate account for anything related to your Blog whether it be expenses ( domain, hosting, seminars you visited, software purchases), income ( affiliate, sponsored posts). This makes it easier at the year-end.

I just have an accountant take care of it. It is easier and very thorough. For women we have a higher cut-off, keep that in mind.

In the USA I read that no federal license is required. You need to have a general business license I believe. Again check with an accountant.

If you sell products you must have a sales tax license or permit. In India, you need to be aware of GST while dealing with physical products.

I am no tax expert, just hire an accountant while you are starting out. They are pretty inexpensive and can guide you better.

Qs. What Blogging platform is best for making Money?

I like WordPress and it is my preferred platform. I have a self-hosted WordPress blog. WordPress makes your website search engine friendly even if you are new and non-technical.

You can start a website in minutes. Most hosting companies like Bluehost have guides that will walk you through the process.

WordPress has numerous free themes and plugins to get any feature on your website. You can install lead capture forms, social share buttons, videos.

I tried many platforms and I recommend just purchase a domain + hosting, install WordPress on it.

You can use Upwork to find someone with technical things if it is difficult. You can also find people on Fiverr ( but check their ratings first).

Qs. How do you become a Blogger and get paid?

Jot down all your interests and decide on a topic or topic(s) you would like to write about. Initially, it can be very difficult to decide on one topic to focus on.

There are mothers who write on fashion, parenting and lifestyle all in one blog. Some blog on cooking and kids health in the same blog.

You can read some Blogger Interviews to see how they got started.

I started blogging on cleaning, technical stuff, and beauty. Eventually, I realized I loved Blogging about technical stuff because that was my job.

I am naturally pulled towards helping bloggers vloggers and small business owners. So I stuck with that topic and chucked the other topics out.

Once you decide on the main topic(s), take a pen and paper and write everything you want to share.

For example, I am writing two new guides one Vlogging and the other on Pinterest. They will be available for FREE on this website ( as posts).

I have a google document with outlines on all what I want to include.

Outline all your posts, the topics, what you wnat to blog about, the easy way to start a blog

This helps me organize my thoughts and then I pick the topic I want to write on and then start writing.

This post is a part of the #startablog series and appeared first on

This post first appeared on

  • 1 How to Start a Blogging Business
    • 1.1 Download Free Blog Plan 😉
  • 2 Personal Blog
  • 3 Blogging for Beginners
  • 4 How to Start a Blog in India
    • 4.1 #1 – Blogging Basics
    • 4.2 #2 – Blogging Equipment
    • 4.3 #3 – Blog Topics
    • 4.4 #4 – How to Create a Blog
    • 4.5 #4 – What to Write in a Blog?
    • 4.6 #5 – Monetize your Blog
    • 4.7 #6 – Promoting your Blog
      • 4.7.1 Here are some Blogging articles which will help you start a Blog.
  • 5 Some Frequently asked Questions
    • 5.1 Qs. How to Create a Blogging Website?
    • 5.2 Qs. How to Create a website free of Cost?
    • 5.3 Qs. Starting a Blog on WordPress
    • 5.4 Qs. How much does it cost to start a Blog in India
    • 5.5 Qs. How to earn money by blogging in India
    • 5.6 Qs. Do I need a Business License to Blog?
    • 5.7 Qs. What Blogging platform is best for making Money?
    • 5.8 Qs. How do you become a Blogger and get paid?
  • 6 How can I become a Professional Blogger in India?
  • 7 How do you Monetize a Blog?
  • 8 How do you start a Blog for Free
  • 9 How to Start a Blog and Make Money in India
  • 10 Recommended Resources for Bloggers
  • 11 Get These

Save this Pin for later reference to your Blogging Board on Pinterest

start a profitable blog the complete guide

How can I become a Professional Blogger in India?

If you are interested in becoming a Professional Blogger, you need to start a paid blog. Purchase domain and hosting. Publish high quality content. Build a brand for your blog.

How do you Monetize a Blog?

There are many ways to monetize a blog. I use adsense, affiliate marketing and offer services. You can sell products, eBooks, digital products, consulting. The sky is the limit.

How do you start a Blog for Free

You can use Free platforms such as Blogger, Medium, Wix to start a Blog for free.

How to Start a Blog and Make Money in India

You can start a blog in India either by using FREE platforms such as blogger or purchasing a domain and hosting. To make money you need to publish good content, and use some strategies like affiliate marketing, selling ebooks, adsense.

Recommended Resources for Bloggers

Get These

These are some of the Best Resources Recommended for you

Company Domain Hosting
Hostgator .com INR 699 per year
.in INR 599 per year
Shared Hosting INR 99 per month 15% Off .IN Domain
Bluehost .com 11.99 per year Includes free domain for 1 year and SSL Check it out

How To Start Free Blogging In India


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